I Can Spell, Honestly
As many have found, putting a stat counter on your website and taking a look at it every so often can be very enlightening.
Looking at my statistics reveals an interesting fact-- Steven's website gets between 20 and 50 visitors per day who arrive at this site by performing google or yahoo image searches for the word "puuberty" (spelled correctly).
When a google search is performed, this photo of Steven and this page is returned. I can only hope and assume it wasn't what they were looking for and that they moved on quickly. But still...
Today, August 21, 2005, between the hours of 12:00 am and 11:30 pm, 23 people found Steven's site by performing google image searches using the following keywords (correctly spelled):
- down braa
- puuberty
- puuberty photos
- puuberty braa
These people were from all over the world:
- Nebraska
- South Carolina
- Minnesota
- Florida
- California
- Arizona
- Oklahoma
- Virginia
- Germany
- U.K
- England
- The Netherlands
- Ontario
- Poland
- Viet Nam
I could yank the photos, but that seems like a shame. Since Google owns Blogger, I don't think there is any chance of asking for the site not to be indexed.
So I'm going to try and trick google, yahoo, altavista, and the other search engines that bring in significant numbers of people whose reasons for searching the internet seem questionable.
Maybe I'm jumping to conclusions about the fine folks who go searching for those images, but something tells me I'm right.
I suppose there is also the possibility that I will get similar numbers of people who are looking for photos of puuberty and braas but can't spell.
But I'm hoping it will work.
- Kathleen
p.s. We got home last night at 6:55 pm. We are ever so happy to be back.
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