Steven and Sean on the Polar Bear Cam
Steven and Sean on the Polar Bear Cam

Saturday, July 31, 2004

Making it to Junior Golf

Near the end of last summer, just before Steven was diagnosed, Doug had planned to sign Steven and Sean up for San Diego junior golf this summer.

After our lives turned upside down in September, all our plans came to an abrupt and explosive halt.

Near the end of Steven's treatment this year, it began to look as though Steven would feel well enough and we'd be back in time for the kids to start junior golf after all. So, we signed them up and they've been doing well, each after their own fashion.

Steven's treatments have definitely taken a toll on him, he's not doing as well now as he was before being diagnosed, but he's ever so happy to be playing, his energy level is terrific. He started out scoring third from the bottom, at his tournament last Thursday he scored better than 13 of the age 9-10 boys.

Trophies are awarded to the top six scorers and Steven isn't in trophy range, but he's holding his own, and each time I watch him play I am ever so thankful that he's here to do it.

Steven and Sean played last Thursday at Lawrence Welk and Sean won the sixth place trophy for the 8 and under boys. I don't think anything could have made Steven more excited short of winning a trophy himself.

-- Kathleen

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