Steven and Sean on the Polar Bear Cam
Steven and Sean on the Polar Bear Cam

Thursday, August 31, 2006

Back To School

Sean and Steven's first day of school

Monday was Steven and Sean's first day back at school.

The afternoon before Steven got out his backpack and all his school supplies and packed everything up in preparation. Sean shed a few tears before bed, mourning the end of summer.

Steven set the alarm for 5:30 (we usually get them up at 6:15 for school). He jumped out of bed when it buzzed and when I went down to wake them a little after 6:00, Steven was already showered and dressed.

I walked them to school. Steven charged off, a spring in his step, Sean hanging behind us.

We found Steven and Sean's classrooms. Steven charged around with a grin from ear to ear. Sean couldn't manage a smile

When I picked them up at the end of the day, Sean had cheered up just a bit, but Steven was jubilant and glowing with the experiences of his first day. Steven's teachers are both mothers with babies and they're job-sharing. One of Steven's teachers is married to Sean's teacher.

Things will get better for Sean. He's a great student, and he has a male teacher this year, the first male teacher that either one has had and I have the feeling that he and Sean are going to get along just fine.

Homework hasn't ramped up yet, but it will. At some point in the near future, Steven's bubble will burst. Probably after the first big book report.

But for now, he's so happy and it is a gift just to be in the presence of such joy in Steven.

Unbridled joy over something that has been a source of such sadness in the past.

Yes, we are blessed.

- Kathleen

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