Steven and Sean on the Polar Bear Cam
Steven and Sean on the Polar Bear Cam

Monday, July 11, 2005

St. Jude Dream Home Giveaway

Steven and Sean at the news desk

One of the great things about St. Jude, aside from their efforts to try and save Steven's life, is that they give us opportunities to return the favor and help raise funds so they can continue their good work.

Steven drawing the winning ticket.

On June 26, Steven, Sean and I flew to Sacramento to appear on TV and help them with their Modesto Dream Home Giveaway. This is a fundraiser where they find sponsors and builders to fund the building of a new house. They they sell 12,000 raffle tickets for $100 apiece, which raises $1.2 million.

The check presentation

So for $100, participants got a chance to win a house that in this case, was valued at $450,000. Steven got to draw the winning ticket.

We got to meet two other St. Jude patients, Bayleigh from the Los Angeles area and John from Arizona.

For such a worthy cause, we're always glad to help.

- Kathleen

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