Steven and Sean on the Polar Bear Cam
Steven and Sean on the Polar Bear Cam

Wednesday, December 24, 2003

'Twas The Night Before Christmas...

'Twas the night before Christmas and all through the house,
we're preparing to leave, just me and my spouse.

No stockings are hung by the chimney with care,
Still we know that St. Nicholas soon will be there.

No tree filled with presents, not in our house this year,
But we're finding new ways to spread joy and good cheer.

As we tuck Steven in and kiss his soft cap
we're longing for sleep, or just for a nap.

We're packing for Memphis, an indefinite stay
What to take, what to leave, we ask in dismay.

We're taking a road trip, a cross-country trek,
We hope we can make it with nary a wreck.

Nearly two thousand miles, and we've got just three days,
to make it to Memphis and start the next phase

of dear Steven's treatment, we pray he does well,
kicks his cancer in the butt and sends it to hell.

And all those sweet children we met at St. Jude's,
they're all so courageous, with great attitudes

Please Santa find them and help them endure
the rigors of treatment, and bring them their cure!

It's nearly Christmas, and Santa is preparing to make his amazing worldwide journey across the globe. You can check back periodically today (and tonight) and watch his progress as he seeks out all the good little boys and girls:

In the words of my sweet little niece Kyra, whom we remember with fondness and a little sorrow each Christmas,

"I love you all from the bottom of my heart, to the tips of the stars."

Merry Christmas to all.

Love, Kathleen

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